Welcome to ChurchSpring Live, Episode 012!
What You’ll Learn
Are you stuck on how to improve your live stream to better connect with your church members virtually? Unsure which tools are available to live stream your services on a limited budget?
Tune into ChurchSpring Live, Episode 012 to learn the must-have tools and resources you need to take your live stream up a notch. Rohn and Isabelle will share how you can live stream your services with multiple camera and video input sources—plus, you’ll get access to a FREE live stream resource download!
Watch Now
Helpful Resources
- FREE RESOURCE: Live Stream Slides Download – Click here to download
- Different types of content resources to share during a church live stream:
- Slides (Intro/Outro): Welcome, Thank you for joining us, Announcements, Give Online, Listen to Sermons, Prayer Request
- Scripture, Worship Lyrics
- Lower Third Banner: Introduce speakers
- Logo Bug
- Recommended angles to set up for a church live stream:
- Wide Angle, Floor Center
- Pulpit Mid Zoom, Pulpit
- Worship Team, Piano, Offering, Baptism
- Powerpoint
- Music Solo Left/Right
- Stage Left/Right
- Example of an order of service for a church live stream with multiple video and camera sources:
- 15 minutes before: Intro Slides
- 10 minutes before: countdown clock with slides
- Go Live!
- Lower Third banners to introduce speakers, worship team, etc.
- Worship: Add lyrics
- Transition into main service: Add Giving Slide
- Preaching: Add Lower Third banner to introduce Pastor, Main Points Slides, Scripture Slides, Switch camera back and forth between slides and pastor
- Closing: Switch back and forth between lyrics, prayer, etc. and pastor
- 2-5 minutes after service: Outro Slides – Thank you for joining us!, Listen to this sermon at your website (same slides as intro)
- Royalty Free images to use on your church website: Unsplash.com, Pexels.com, your ChurchSpring Image Library
Show Notes
- Welcome to ChurchSpring Live Episode 012 – What to Expect
- Let’s Learn
- How can I take my church live streaming to the next level on a limited budget?
- What types of content resources should I share during my live stream?
- What are some recommended angles to set up for my live stream?
- What are some tools I can use to increase my production level?
- What is an example of an order of service I should consider for my live stream?
- Q&A
- Action Time
- Action Item#1: Take action on one item shared to get 1% better
- Action Item #2: Download your free live stream slides presentation deck and use them during your next live stream! Click here to access your free download.
- New ChurchSpring Feature Highlight: We just launched a new design called Galilee! This popular new design features curved sections for a stunning look. Check out Galilee at galilee.churchspring.org
Isabelle Faletti (00:00:54):
Hello? Hello and welcome to ChurchSpring Live. I am so excited to see everybody. If I’m imagining everybody on, on the opposite side, wave back, please,
Rohn Gibson (00:01:05):
We’ve got Ron in the house. He’s already firing questions. That is, I love this. I love that name.
Isabelle Faletti (00:01:12):
This may be a little biased, Rohn,
Rohn Gibson (00:01:15):
Maybe just a little bit. He knows how to spell it correctly though.
Isabelle Faletti (00:01:20):
Who knows? Who knows? So for those of you who have not guessed this is Rohn co-founder of ChurchSpring over there. I don’t know where my screen is.
Rohn Gibson (00:01:29):
Good morning, everybody.
Isabelle Faletti (00:01:30):
Good morning. My name is Isabelle. I’m a part of the customer happiness team here at ChurchSpring. It looks like we already have some live attendees here. I see Kevin, Sherry, some, some repeat attendees here. So that’s so awesome. If you have not yet, and if you’re you’re attending Live, introduce yourself we would love to know who’s joining us today.
Isabelle Faletti (00:01:53):
So drop your church name and where you’re from in the comments below, and you will need to give Stream Yard access so that we can share your, your name like Rohn is showing, showing some people here. So while you’re introducing yourself, I do want to welcome a few new members that we have to the ChurchSpring family. We all, it’s so fun to see new churches sign up for, for a ChurchSpring, because that means that we’re able to equip new ministries all over the country. And ah, I love that. So welcome Family Life, Community Church from California. We have First Christian Church from Yuma, Arizona. I love Arizona lived there for a couple of years. Love the desert Unity Family Church from Washington. Welcome. And then we also have Sovereign Grace Church from Ohio, Rohn, I picked that Ohio one just for you.
Isabelle Faletti (00:02:50):
So again, those are just a couple of new members that we have that joined this week. So I wanted to send a special shout out to them. If you are new to ChurchSpring and you just stumbled across this ChurchSpring Live, and there’s two random people just chatting your ear off already this morning – well welcome. Here at ChurchSpring, we have a very simple mission and that is to help churches build intuitive, affordable, and frustration free websites. Uso thanks for joining us today in ChurchSpring Live, we have as always an amazing amazing show planned out for you today. Uwe’re going to talk about the must have tools and resources that you really need to take your church live stream up a notch. And then we’re also going to give away a free live stream resource that you can download that will really help your live stream production. So we’ll be giving away that live stream resource at the end of today’s show. So make sure to stay til the end and we’ll give you those specific,udownload instructions. Wow, Rohn, it looks like we have a lot of attendees today. This is great.
Rohn Gibson (00:03:57):
We do. This is exciting. Big, welcome to Benjamin. Welcome back. It’s good to see these frequent flyers with us. So cool. Maria Martinez joining from New Mexico. Let’s see Jeffrey Harris. There’s a familiar name. Awesome. Welcome back Jeffrey. Oh, what’s this what’s this. Somebody is talking smack already this morning. I love it. Unfortunately it looks like college football. You know, I was so excited last week then my Big 10, decided to close down the season for the fall. So little sad about that, but anyway, we have a lot of good things happening this fall and we’ll be here.
Isabelle Faletti (00:04:46):
Rohn Gibson (00:04:48):
So come back and check us out. All right, Tanya. Welcome back, Tanya. Yes. All right. Let’s see. Yes. Ann Arbor, Michigan. I knew where you were from. Anyway. This is great. This is awesome. All right, so welcome everybody. We’re just thrilled that you’re joining us here today. We have got a lot of great information that we’re going to cover, and I’m going to be honest with you right out of the gate. We’re going to go pretty quickly. So if there’s anything that we just go too quickly by just know, you can always go back and watch the replay at churchspring.com/C S L zero one two. This is our 12th episode of ChurchSpring Live. Congratulations, Isabelle, we’ve made it to episode 12. This is awesome. So you can always check out the replay ChurchSpring.com/csl zero one two. If you like what we’re saying, if it’s helpful, give us a little, love, a little icon there.
Rohn Gibson (00:05:49):
Give us a little thumbs up. Share it with a friend. If there’s somebody that you think, man, this person in my church is a in this ministry, they could really benefit from this. Feel free to tag it, share it with them, invite them to come to the ChurchSpring, Facebook page or our YouTube account and check it out. Or if it’s after the fact, just share the link churchspring.com/CSL zero one two. Let’s see. All right, is everybody ready to engage with us today? I think I already got my answer because we’ve got the chat just flying this morning.
Isabelle Faletti (00:06:22):
We do. And Larry is getting in late that’s okay. You hopped in at the right time because we are going to dig into the meat of this pretty soon. So welcome. We’re happy to have you here. And as always, like Rohn just mentioned, we always have the replay available on our website. So make sure to check that out. And so we talked last week and part one of this four part series of live stream that we’re doing just kind of about the importance of live streaming and how live streaming your church services. How’s one of the most important ways you can pandemic proof your ministry. But so now we’re at this point where, okay, we understand why live streaming is extremely important to build awareness, communicate with, with your members, but kind of what now, how do I actually use tools and resources to live stream without blowing your budget completely out of the water?
Isabelle Faletti (00:07:19):
Because I mean, both Rohn and I love love tech and we nerd out over fun tools. And so we know it can get expensive if you’re not aware of that, or if you don’t know which tools to use for live streaming. So for everybody who’s listening right now, I am. I’m curious. Have you ever been confused on which tools that you need to actually live stream your services without blowing your budget? So if you have ever felt confused about what you need to go live, I want to hear from you type confused in the comments below and let us know where you’re at. So if you felt confused, talk to us
Rohn Gibson (00:07:59):
Type that in there. Cause I was there. I’ll tell you, there’s still some times that I’m there, so you’re not alone. If you feel that way, you don’t feel ashamed. Yeah. That’s the stuck in my setup now. All right. Well, Ryan, hopefully we can get you unstuck today. I saw your question earlier and I’m definitely more advanced, so excited to dive into that a little bit.
Isabelle Faletti (00:08:21):
Exactly. Well, I’m Rohn. Again, you’re, you’re not alone. So if you think of what else is out there and you’ve just felt stuck on how you can improve your live stream what tools you need to really connect well with your members, then you are in the right place. Today, Rohn and I, we were going to show you how you can turn your services with a multiple camera set up and multiple video input sources. And if you don’t know what that means, that’s okay because I was a little confused at first, even also, and I’m the customer support team. So I could also get confused. I’ve learned a ton just as Rohn and I have been working together on this. So we, we are going to share some really specific practical tools that we recommend that you can use to live stream.
Isabelle Faletti (00:09:11):
And then again we’re going to give away a free live stream resource that you can download that will help the production of your live stream services. So stay tuned for that. Just, just a little hint of what’s to come. Wow. Yeah, it looks like Larry “Confused, needed live streaming for dummies” – that’s okay. Dwayne. Yes. Not so confused, but want a format that doesn’t break the budget? Yep. Yep. Reverend Jeffrey, not really confused as needing more tools. Yes. There’s a lot of different tools out there. So we are going to take away that overwhelm of which tools you need and just, just break it down here for you. So again, this is part two of a four part series that we’ll be covering about live stream. So if you did miss last week and it was part one and episode zero 11, I’ll put up that the show notes link.
Isabelle Faletti (00:10:09):
So if you didn’t miss part one, go to church from.com/csl zero one, one. And we started from the very basics of live streaming and the foundational principles that you need to start live streaming really on a zero budget. So then today in church, spring.com/zero 12, where you can watch the replay we’re going to dig a little deeper here and we’ll be talking about some specific tools, certain angles that you need on your live stream what content you need to be showing and your live stream. So it’s not just a talking head and all of that on a limited budget. So that again, you’re not, you’re not going crazy with all these resources. Okay. Enough talking for me. I want to hear from our listeners, are you guys ready to take your live streaming to the next level, remove all this confusion. You just need some tools. If you’re ready, I want to hear from you type next level in the comments below. And when you’re ready, we are going to get this started and share a ton of amazing tools with you today.
Rohn Gibson (00:11:16):
Awesome. All right. Let’s see. Who wants to be the first one to say next level? And I know there’s a little bit of a lag here on Facebook but we’re excited. This is going to be, this is, this is going to be one power packed episode. We’ve already had a few people share that. All right, here we go. Next level Sheree, Ron. Awesome. Totally awesome. All right, let’s do this.
Isabelle Faletti (00:11:43):
I think we’re ready, Rohn. All right. Let’s, let’s dig into this. So let’s just kind of start with a question that I’ve been hinting at all episode long. How can I take my church live streaming to the next level on a limited budget? What does that even look like?
Rohn Gibson (00:12:03):
Yeah. So a couple of things really to think about and to consider, and again, as you, as you listened to this episode, I just want to encourage you before I answer this question, don’t be overwhelmed. Just, just kind of sit back and take in the information and then choose one thing that you can take action on based on what we shared today. So don’t feel like you have to do everything cause that’s, whenever you start getting into taking things to the next level and you hear these ideas, that can be extremely overwhelming, that all I have to do, all of it. That’s not the point don’t get so overwhelmed that you do nothing based on what we’ve, what we’re going to teach today. Okay. So just take one thing that you can do. So the first thing that I would recommend to take it to the next level is consider adding multiple camera angles.
Rohn Gibson (00:12:46):
So, and we’re going to talk more about suggested camera angles. As we talk through this. Typically you’ve got your straight on view, which is great. We’d recommend you can actually set up two cameras straight on, have one zoomed in and one zoomed out. So it’s easy to switch between them if you don’t have your cameras on a remote. And we’ll talk about that maybe a little bit later but there’s an idea. And then also kind of angled off to the sides again on the pastor, but then it’s just easy to flip between the different scenes to program mode. And we’re gonna, we’re going to share some tools that make that extremely easy to do, even if all you have are smartphones. So we’re going to talk a lot about that here and actually share a tool that will just give you a ton of support with very little technical ability.
Rohn Gibson (00:13:38):
So first of all, multiple camera angle views next. Think about multiple video import sources. Okay. So when we talk about video input, put sources, we’re not talking about just cameras. There’s other things that you can bring in like slides from a PowerPoint. So you can actually bring in the screen from your computer or your projector, and actually then share that during your live stream. Also, you could think about external video sources, maybe there’s prerecorded content that you want to bring in. So think about all those other avenues of types of videos, sources that you could bring in to pull in to it. So a lot of people they’ll actually do video announcements before the service starts. So you can actually have prerecorded video announcements, have those queued up and ready to go. You get ready to start your service. You just put those live and then switch over to the camera.
Rohn Gibson (00:14:30):
So think about multiple video input sources, again, such as slides, PowerPoint, or other external video resources. Audio audio is one of the most important parts of your live stream. You can have awful video, awful lighting, a lot of awful when it comes to the visual side of things, but if the audio isn’t good, people won’t stay and listen. So make sure that you’ve got good audio during your live stream. So you can actually plug in to an external source or have, so it could be from your soundboard. I know that was a question we actually had earlier. You can plug your soundboard directly into whatever switcher that you’re using. And we’ll talk a little bit about what, what is even a switcher I here in a minute, but even if all you’re doing is using a smartphone like an iPhone you can plug in external, whether it’s through Bluetooth.
Rohn Gibson (00:15:23):
You know, if you have, you know, depending on your setup again you can plug in different external audio sources to that to really improve the quality. Exactly. And then lastly, consider, and this may be a little like something you haven’t thought about. But I know we have someone that did cause they’ve talked about, they’ve got a, maybe 12 year old young ladies that are actually helping. So this is awesome. Really strongly consider forming a volunteer media ministry at your church. People have tons of gifts and abilities. Everybody’s not made the same. We all know that however, God’s gifted people and you should really strongly consider if you don’t have a volunteer media team currently at your church to really think through, okay, what could that look like? Who could head that up? How could we include different people? We include junior high at our church.
Rohn Gibson (00:16:13):
We have junior high kids that are running. The music slides. We have actually high schoolers that are running the live stream. So I would highly encourage you to consider getting people involved in this super important ministry. It’s obvious where we’re at today in the world, how important this ministry is. It used to be like, Oh, that’s a nice to have. Now. Let’s say absolutely have to have to continue ministering during difficult times. Like we’re in right now. So consider forming a volunteer media team there at your church could be a great tool for you to take that live stream to the next level.
Isabelle Faletti (00:16:52):
Yeah, yeah, that is awesome. I think one of the main takeaways that I took after when we’d been planning for this Rohn was the multiple camera angles. Because to me that seems like such a, a complicated just production and something that we totally out of my skill set and I’m pretty tech savvy too. And I had that thought of, Ooh, multiple camera angles. That sounds a little overwhelming there, but it’s so simple because like you said, you can just set up your phone phones and it’s not as immediate team so that you can use multiple people’s phones and just setting it up to get those different angles. That was my big, biggest takeaway. And it’s, it’s, it’s simple and we’ll talk about how you can connect the phones later on. So if you’re thinking, okay, that sounds easy, but what does actually look like?
Isabelle Faletti (00:17:42):
Cause that’s how I think then we’ll, we’ll give you more specifics here. We do have a couple of questions here just of on it’s that I want to address real quick. Sherry, you said that you use an iPad. That is awesome. Yes. So we’re not just talking about phones. If you have an iPad, definitely use that. Also your, your computer, your laptop, if you have that. So your phone is at the only source source. If you don’t have a nice DSLR camera. We have, let’s see, I have a couple of questions Benjamin, first off, real quick, seven and nine year old boys makeup, my set up crew gives them a job and keeps them engaged.
Rohn Gibson (00:18:24):
And that is so important that it’s so important that we teach our kids to be involved in ministry. And it isn’t this isn’t some passive consumerism that I just come and I hear preaching, but actually getting them involved and actually yeah, active in the work of ministry in the areas that they can. So that’s awesome. Benjamin, glad you’re doing that. That’s a great example for, for all of us to make sure that we’re looking at even a seven year old, how can they be involved in doing ministry work here through your local church?
Isabelle Faletti (00:18:55):
Yeah, yeah. Real quick Sherry said we have great, great audio, but video lags, Rhonda, that be more of an internet connection. Do you think on their side?
Rohn Gibson (00:19:05):
Yeah. It could be a lot of different things. Depending on your setup. So Sherry, the one who mentioned she was using an iPad. Yes. Okay. So you might want to look at your iPad itself and see just is it, is there enough memory to actually live stream without a lag sometimes? So it could be the device where we even experienced that even with your setup, there isIsabelle. So Isabelle got a brand new setup, because part of that was hardware related. So hardware could be the issue cause your, your computer is trying to process things to broadcast. Another thing it could be is your internet connection. So I would encourage you test your internet connection, see what kind of connection you have and really start there. Sometimes it can be even the service that you’re streaming to. So there’s times even with ChurchSpring Live when we, when we stream through Stream Yard, we actually have a local.
Rohn Gibson (00:20:00):
So they actually do a recording and sort locally. And then there’s what goes to Facebook 9.9 times out of 10, the quality on Facebook because of how they process it on their end, before they push it live, it will actually cause the quality to degrade. So and we’re going to actually share some tools today that will help you kind of figure out where is that breakdown happening? So there’s some things to consider between your hardware, your internet connection, maybe even the place that you’re broadcasting to could be the cause of some of that lag. So if there’s any more details there that you can share with us feel free. We’d love to help you try to work through that.
Isabelle Faletti (00:20:41):
Yeah. And in a similar vein of thought there, Glen asks, he says this stream stream is in sync when live, but it is out of sync when viewing afterwards on uncertain devices.
Rohn Gibson (00:20:54):
Yeah. And that, that most of the time from our experience, because we have that at our church, you, you live stream you have all the people reaching out to you say it’s pixelated or it’s this many times that’s actually on the viewer’s end. So they don’t have a fast enough connection. We had somebody at our church that was trying to broadcast from their phone. So the Facebook live from their phone to their TV over a cellular connection. So in those instances, that’s not an issue with a live stream. It’s an issue with the throughput on the user’s end. So whenever you start troubleshooting those things, there’s only so much you can do. So let me just say that there’s kind of the basics that you want to make sure you have. And we kind of talked, just talked about those, make sure that those are fast, high quality connection, great hardware on your system. And then there’s going to be some times that it’s just, well, the users and they just don’t have enough juice. So to speak, to really be able to show it in a high quality way. So that’s some things to think about there as you troubleshoot, just because somebody’s, I don’t want to say just cause somebody complains just because somebody gives you feedback that, Hey, this is my experience and it’s not the best. It doesn’t always mean it’s on your end.
Isabelle Faletti (00:22:04):
Yeah. Yeah. That’s good. One more question real quick from Jackie. Because Rohn you’ve kind of talked before and why you want to be pushing people to Facebook and not necessarily on your website, but she asks, or she says that we’ve had issues with Facebook embed codes. And we tried to schedule a live that put the embed code on the site. The site doesn’t display the video and when it goes live, we’ve had to not schedule the live and just do an immediate go live. What would you recommend there, right?
Rohn Gibson (00:22:33):
Yeah. So first of all it’s awesome that you want to get the video put on your site. Here’s what I recommend. Number one, don’t try to do your live stream as far as an embed on your site. And that may seem a little counter-intuitive while you say this is our home base, but now you’re telling, send people away. If you listen to the previous episode, we walk through all the parts and pieces that go into an effective live stream. There’s more to it than just the broadcast video of the live stream. Okay. So I would recommend go back and check out. I think that was our previous episode. So zero one, one. So go check that out. But what I encourage you to do is ultimately we want this content to be able to be engaged with easily, and we want it to be able to be shared easily.
Rohn Gibson (00:23:22):
So it can spread the best way to do that is to just point people to, I recommend Facebook personally, Facebook is ridiculously powerful. I mean, we see it every, every day, the virality or the way that it’s just word of mouth, the way that it spreads is just super powerful. I was going to say beyond powerful, super powerful. So leverage that, don’t take this part and put over here specifically for the live stream piece, when you are live, send them over to Facebook, engage them in ways that they can share content. By the way, we try to practice what we preach here. What did we do? Hey, put this in the comments. We’re trying to engage you or, Hey, be sure if there’s a friend or somebody like that shared invite them, Facebook just makes it super easy for things to spread. So I would encourage you send people there and engage with people there and then when you’re done, so you’re right on track.
Rohn Gibson (00:24:15):
Okay. So I would encourage you. You’re on the right track. Then go grab the embed code. Once it’s done upload your sermon, upload the audio. So you can do the podcast and then put the video, embed into the comments beneath it. So then if somebody wants to watch it, they can come back and watch the recording of that Facebook embed on your site. But during the live event I would encourage you send them to Facebook and get them to engage. Like we don’t want people watching passively. That’s part of our challenge. It’s consumerism, right? It’s this consumer Christianity where it’s like, okay, I’m just going to come and sit and I’m not going to engage, man. You are not leveraging live streaming. And I’m going to get on soapboxes for a second. You are not leveraging the live stream correctly. If you are not engaging people through your live stream.
Rohn Gibson (00:25:04):
If you’re a small church, I attend a church– we’re a smaller church, we have more people watch our live stream and engage with our video content through the video during live and afterwards. And we even have attend our services. So leverage that, invite them, encourage them. My pastor has done a great job of, Hey, give us a comment. You know, like it say hi to the people who are joining build community around the live stream. Cause it is a powerful, powerful tool when used correctly. And it goes beyond just the live stream video. So again, if you miss last week’s episode, write down a note, go check that out because there’s a lot of parts and pieces. And just cause you’re sending people away from your site, doesn’t decrease the value of your site because there’s way more to it than just that video.
Rohn Gibson (00:25:50):
But the whole point of it is how do we connect with as many people with the message of the gospel as possible? And how do we create evangelists of people who already in our church who may be watching to then share that content to people who maybe they don’t have a local church that they’re going to right now, or maybe they don’t know the Lord. And it’s just a great opportunity to connect with them and, and tap into that word of mouth virality. And I’m not talking virus, I’m talking how things can spread through using Facebook. I just encourage you to do that.
Isabelle Faletti (00:26:22):
Yeah, that’s awesome. Jackie, you said, thank you. You’re welcome, Ron. Ron is amazing in this. I love having him on because he has so many helpful solutions. You, so you mentioned Jackie, we have many members that aren’t on Facebook. Yes,
Rohn Gibson (00:26:39):
We just, we’ve been doing this now for a couple of months. You, it is no longer required to have a Facebook account to watch live streams on Facebook. So Jackie, there you go, problem solved, but here’s what you need to do. You need to make sure that when you go live that you make your video public, and then what I recommend that you do, and you can do a face. You can do a Google search for this, about creating a live tab in Facebook. So then whenever you go live and automatically will show your latest live stream video there. And then what you can do is go to your church. May of you use ChurchSpring, you can go and create a what do we call them? Short URL, vanity, URL, URL, redirect. There we go. That’s what we call it. All of those terms apply by the way, but you can go your church.com for slash live and then tell people that don’t have Facebook pay a Facebook account, just go to your church.com/live.
Rohn Gibson (00:27:34):
It will send them over to your Facebook live tab, where then your live stream will be available for them to watch. They won’t be able to comment. They won’t be able to do some of those things that do require a Facebook account, but they can still watch it. So that’s an old rule with Facebook. Facebook has improved a ton in the area of live streaming a they don’t require. So just quickly, they don’t require we’re not going to dig into this, but you can research it a little bit. They don’t require you to have a Facebook account. They actually have it now where you can give people a phone number. So let’s say you have a more seasoned members of your congregation that don’t even have the internet at their house. Well, you can tell them, dial into this number and they’ll be able to listen to the message during the live stream during your Facebook live stream.
Rohn Gibson (00:28:19):
So those are just a couple of quick things and they’ve added tons more functionality to their platform, but those are just a couple of things that you should consider and really look at. I know Jeffrey – I’m like on fire today, but here’s the, here’s the cool thing. I know I was going fast. You might need to go back and put it like half speed. Cause we have barely even getting started here. Churchspring.Com/CSL zero one two, check that out. And if you have specific questions, Jeffrey, feel free to throw it in here and we’ll circle back. We need an instant replay on this thing. That would be awesome.
Isabelle Faletti (00:28:58):
I will be putting in our show notes. I’ll be updating that after this episode with the specific links to Facebook of how you can create that Facebook live tab on your Facebook page and how you can make sure that your Facebook live video is set to public. I actually, I sent that to a ChurchSpring member earlier this week. So I’ll update our show notes with that. So Jackie Reverend Jeffrey, be sure after, after this, wait an hour and then go check out the show notes for those specific links. Otherwise Google is my best friend, so that’s a great resource also. Okay. I noticed we do have a couple of questions about specific tools. I do see those and we will be answering most of those. Later on when we get into the specific tools section you need, you need to have a plan.
Isabelle Faletti (00:29:47):
You need to know kind of what you are, what your live stream is looking like before you can even think about the tools. You don’t want it to be putting the cart before the horse. So this may, you may be saying, okay, if I want to know what tools is, I know you had a couple of questions. Do we use restream? Do we use this? Do we use Facebook? That’s so important. And I’m glad that you’re asking that, but there are recommended strategies to have the best live stream to really help your, your members on a digital platform like this. So run let’s just kind of keep on trucking here. And I guess we’ll, we’ll try not to be at three times talking speed. Huh?
Rohn Gibson (00:30:29):
I know you can tell we’re excited about live streaming here, so it’s super valuable. All right, let’s do that.
Isabelle Faletti (00:30:35):
So what were some type of content resources that church should share during a live stream?
Rohn Gibson (00:30:43):
Yeah. So obviously you have your video source, so we’re not going to talk about that. That’s kind of understood.
Isabelle Faletti (00:30:48):
That’s what this is. That’s what you’re live streaming.
Rohn Gibson (00:30:51):
Exactly, exactly. So some other things to consider when we talked about other video content, I would recommend that you have slides. So intro slides and ultra slides, depending on how you do announcements, if you do video announcements or things like that, that’s like even next level beyond just doing slides. So some things to consider intro slides. So welcome. There you go. Just like that. Welcome to the gathering of put your church name by the way, when we talk about our freedom download, you’re getting going, you’re going to get free access to everything we’re about to show you right now. Okay. So if you’re like, man, that looks really great. I would love to have that wonderful cause we’re going to give it all to you for free. We’ll make that available. We’ll tell you more about that later. So as far as slides, you want to welcome slide.
Rohn Gibson (00:31:38):
You want a thank you for joining us slide, so that obviously welcomes going to be used in the beginning. Thank you for joining us is going to be used at the end and then other type of announcements that you may have, and you’ll have to slide through those pretty quickly there, Isabelle but a couple of announcements slide. So it could be anything from upcoming events that you have going on calls to action to get people involved. We do meals on wheels at our church. There’s different women’s ministries announcement. So giving giving is another one to actually have a slide for giving. How can people participate when it comes to the giving? I mean, really we’re all called to give, so how can they participate in that way? This is one that a lot of people forget to put in there and people were sitting there 15 minutes before the service, the slides are going on.
Rohn Gibson (00:32:30):
Put it in there and make it easy for them to take action. So a call to action. Number one, and number two, we’ve created that short URL, yourchurch.com/give. So you should have a /give, even if you’re not doing online giving it doesn’t matter. You can still have a giving page that tells them how they can give, whether it’s mail it in. It could be a, my church is small. So we have mailboxes for every family. It could be, Hey, put it in the treasurer’s mailbox. It could be put it in an offering box or whatever that might be,udepending on your options for giving. But I would encourage you to have a slide in there during announcements forgiving. Another one would be listen to previous sermons. So people obviously missed for different reasons, sicknesses, own, you know, traveling, whatever that might be, have a slide. And again, you’re going to get these graphics for free. You’ll be able to edit the text on them, upload your own, or add your own logo to them. Ubut create a short URL. Short URLs are like a secret weapon.
Rohn Gibson (00:33:33):
So many times you can go to our website and what is that URL forward slash forward slash whatever that is. Yeah. So just go and create, you know, some of these will already be created for you. I’m like, that’s one that we automatically great for you, but use them, Hey, if you missed it up or if you missed a service, just go to our website [inaudible] dot com forward slash sermons and go check that out. So have a call to action for that right there in your slides. Another one could be prayer requests. We’ve got right now media slip, if you could flip over to the parade quest, if you can find that one but basically a call to action. I mean, right now, anxiety and fear, and there’s just so much going on in the world. We all, we all know what’s going on.
Rohn Gibson (00:34:22):
Do a call to action. If you’re struggling to reach out to us. Yeah. And create a shirt, short URL, you don’t have to create a new page. Every year. Churchspring power website comes with an optimized contact page. All you could do now, you could create your own page. Let me just say that you could create your own page. However, you could also just forward them to your contact page. So create the short URL for it slash help or forest slash prayer or forest slash whatever. And for them to your contact page, where then they can reach out to you. So we’re talking intro slides, it’s an outro slides. We’ve given you some examples and not only have we given you examples, but we’re literally giving you these resources that will be available for you to click on and download. You. Don’t even have to give us your email to do that.
Rohn Gibson (00:35:06):
You’ll be able to click and download those on the page churchspring.com/CSL zero one, two. They’re not there now. So don’t go trying to find them cause they’re not there, but they will be there by the end of the day Isabelle told me they would be. So you can take that to the bank. They will be there by the end of the day. So slides, intro slides, outro slides. Another thing to consider is scripture. So many times, hopefully during the service, there’s going to be scripture reading, whether it’s part of your sermon or whether it’s maybe scripture reading, even before a lot of churches do that, put the scripture up on the screen. A lot of people, maybe they’re traveling, they don’t have their Bible in front of them, or maybe they use their phone for the Bible. They used the YouVersion app and while I’m watching the live stream.
Rohn Gibson (00:35:48):
So I can’t pull that up and do that, whatever. So put the scripture on the screen, highly encourage that. Another thing is lower thirds. We’re actually going to show you just a, kind of an example of that. As far as lower thirds, which you can kind of see it here on our screen, just even with the question, what types of content resources, but here’s another example, just putting that on there. Specifically lower thirds can be overused. So let me, let me just say this. Be careful how you use them. Not they don’t need to be on the screen every second of the live stream. Use them tastefully. So what we do at our church is our pastor will get up and kind of do a welcome welcoming people and kind of kick off with some announcements of the sermon and we’ll put the lower third on there.
Rohn Gibson (00:36:33):
It’ll have our church logo, it’ll have his name and it’ll have the name of our church. And then our church website address for people that want to go check it out. We leave it up there for 20 to 30 seconds or so. And then we take down the lower third. And then when he goes to our, let’s say that you know, we sing a couple songs and then after the last song our worship leader praise, well, then we would put up a lower third for that worship leader because just understand people don’t know who that like some people who are watching the live stream don’t know who that person is. So you can just put again a lower third up there, worship leaders, name, naming your church website address, where they can go and learn more information about your church. Then that the service progresses.
Rohn Gibson (00:37:16):
Now it’s the time for the beginning of the main preaching teaching component of the service. So our church actually, we broadcast afterwards. So we take the recording, chop it up into like a smaller section and we actually take that to our local TV station and they broadcast it out during a time slot during the week. So when our pastor starts to preach, we put up that lower third again because the people who watch the broadcast won’t see that beginning part. Okay. So again, just another way for people to know who’s who is that I’m watching, what’s his name, just another way to kind of introduce. So, yeah.
Isabelle Faletti (00:37:55):
And along with that that may be something that you will need to do with PowerPoint. Well, maybe not with PowerPoint, but really through your, your live stream tool that we’ll talk about in a couple of minutes here. So we use Stream Yard. And so that example of this is the lower third banner. That’s something already in streamer that they give us the option to. And then they also have the option to just show the names. So if you look up on the screen here, you’ll see, you can display the display names and then customize that to really however you want for each camera. So you have a couple of different options and it will look a bit different depending on what your live stream tool is that that you’re using, but they’re, they’re really fun and they’re, they’re an easy way to yeah. Grab your audience’s attention and, and help it become relevant to them.
Rohn Gibson (00:38:46):
Yes. And Aristide, we’re actually gonna talk about on the tool section, a couple of those tools, make it super easy for you, like right there in their tool to create lower third. So we use, I mean, obviously I know how to use Photoshop, so I’ll use Photoshop, but I mean, you could even probably use Canva. Canva you can export as a PDF right?
Isabelle Faletti (00:39:05):
Yes. For the paid version, however Canva, it’s a free image creation tool, online canva.com. And they give their paid version for free to any nonprofits. So for churches, most churches, you should get that for free. So it’s a really cool, very helpful resource.
Rohn Gibson (00:39:24):
Awesome. So lower thirds. And again, we’ll give some more examples of in our tool section of ones that just make that super easy for you to do so you don’t have to know how to use Photoshop or even CAMBA to be able to create these next is your worship lyrics. So a lot of people they’ll just show their worship team during that time. I would encourage you to show the lyrics during the song service. If you have families who are home, you may even have some small groups that are getting together to watch the sermon and then discuss it afterwards, put the lyrics up there so they can sing along with you. I know my family, when we were going through a time where we weren’t gathering my wife would take, I was there running the live stream, but they would be at home singing and give people the opportunity to sing along and worship in that way.
Rohn Gibson (00:40:09):
So put the lyrics up on the screen. That’s also a good way. I know we’ve had questions in the past about I think it was YouTube and that example mirror, maybe Facebook muting the audio, make sure that on that, especially the first screen of a song that you put the C what is it, the CC L I said, it, I feel like I’m getting that messed up, but that information on there, just so then they know, okay, I have the rights to do this. And again, this is not meant to be illegal in any way live stream, but something to consider, definitely put the worship lyrics on there and then lastly, a bug. So if you watch ABC NBC or whatever, you’ll see down the right hand corner, just like Isabelle, just put up our little ChurchSpring logo. So if you have an icon for, so there’s typically on a logo not to get into design lesson here, but you have your icon and then you kind of have your text Mark. So that’s the font styling. That’s your that’s like the font treatment for the words on your logo. So creating a bug would just be, create the little, you know, whatever the little icon is and make it available whenever there’s not something else on the screen. So when our pastors, during the main preaching we’ll put that little, you know, we, we go back and forth between him on the screen and then main points of the, and then when we’re
Rohn Gibson (00:41:34):
On him and there’s no other graphics on the screen, we’ll put the little bug down in the right hand corner. It’s just another way to really educate visual identity for those people. So then when they see you on other places, they’ll know, Oh, yep. That’s my church. Or that’s that church? Just an easy way for them to be able to do that. So yes, yes. Good. Mike. Co-Founder in the chat right now. So Mike gave a really good point. We usually do full screen, so viewers can read it easily. So we may have some, I know there’s lyrics for lower thirds, there’s ways to do split screen. Here’s the thing you have to remember, and this is even for us we constantly remind ourselves for this. This is the screen that the majority of people are going to be using over 70% of the people that visit your church website are going to be visiting it on this screen. If it’s a little thing, like a picture in picture, or even half a screen, it’s super difficult to read. So we just go with the mindset of, we’re just going to make it full screen. Then no matter what size device they’re on, they’ll be able to see it and they can participate in that way. But yeah. Awesome. Cool. So those are some things to consider as far as other types of kind of visual content resources that you should consider including in your live stream.
Isabelle Faletti (00:43:01):
Yeah, that’s awesome. Wow. That’s helpful. I’m ready to go run the live stream now for my church. Okay. So it looks like we’ve been answering questions as they’ve come in. I know we have some specific questions about tools it’s still coming in, so we will get there. I know we just talk a lot about creating short links or a URL redirect. That’s what it’s called in your ChurchSpring site. If you’re a member we actually showed you how to do that in our very first church ChurchSpring live. So I will link that again in the show notes. Otherwise you can just go to our help section churchspring.com/help. And you can also view the instructions of how to do that. So if you’re a little confused on how to do that, we’ve got you make sure to check out those resources. Okay. So we’ve talked about different types of content that we should be showing on screen during, during the live stream. But let’s kind of shift a bit and talk about the actual video. So again, to prevent a talking head I mean, as much as I’m sure people love looking at us, what are some different ways that we can just have, well, what are the recommended angles that this should set up for live stream?
Rohn Gibson (00:44:25):
Yeah. So depending on your setup, so the way that ours works is a little more advanced, and we’re actually going to talk about this in a couple of weeks.
Rohn Gibson (00:44:32):
I’m going to share literally the exact tools, everything, our total setup that we have at our church. But for us, we use the system that we use, we basically control the camera through our phone so we can have a bunch of different presets set up to where, okay, let’s say we switched to the lyrics. Okay. Now why the lyrics are on the screen. We’re going to switch to this angle. And then the camera is actually up pretty high. And then it just rotates around locks in, and you can preset those, those angles. So depending on the level of complexity, you could even do this just with setting other smartphones up on tripods at different angles. So don’t feel like you have to be super techie to be able to do this. You could even do it that way way, but here’s 13 and it’s going to be rapid fire.
Rohn Gibson (00:45:17):
So get your seatbelts ready. This is going to be rapid fire of just some things that you should consider number one wide angle. So this would be completely pulled out to where you can see, see as much of your church as you can. You may be able to even see if you’ve got you know, like our church has some really amazing wood beams kind of on it with some lights that hang down and it’s just this really, really wide angle. So that’s one to consider a number two is what I call pulpit mid zoom. So pulpit mid zoom means it’s not uptight. Like you would see maybe during the preaching, it’s actually pull back a little bit. So you can see maybe even a couple of rows of people. This is important, especially during some of these times where people feel alone.
Rohn Gibson (00:46:00):
Somebody said it earlier, visual punctuation, and there’s also visual emotions that are felt based on what you see. Right? So a lot of times in this, in this time that we’re in people feel lonely and it’s a way to make people realize they’re not participating in this service alone. So when you open mid zoom, it’s pulled out a little bit, still focused on the pulpit, but pulled out a little bit where you can actually see a couple of rows and just the backs of heads. So people watching on the live stream. No. Okay. Okay. This isn’t some person, you know, in a room by themselves, there’s actually people that are now. We were, we went through that phase where there were like four of us or five of us at the church. So that was the case. But in the instances where that isn’t the case, pulpit, mid zoom can be a really great angle pulpit.
Rohn Gibson (00:46:46):
That’s the next one, pretty self explanatory. This is going to be the most zoomed in that you’re going to be. So you may be, you know, you know, kind of belly button high, maybe even a little bit tighter, depending on kind of what you have in the background, but your main pulpit angle, which is mostly you for the main service preaching. Yeah. I failed to mention that pulpit, mid zoom. We use that all the beginning parts of our service. So like when the pastor walks up to welcome people we use pulpit mid zoom, and then when it comes to the main preaching teaching time of the service, we use pulpit worship team is another great one. So it’s, depending on how your worship team is structured ours are kind of out across the stage where there’s, yeah, actually I don’t even want to explain how it’s set up cause I’ll totally butcher it, but it’s typically spread out across the stage.
Rohn Gibson (00:47:38):
So it’s more of a wider angle even then your pulpit mid zoom, it’s even out a little bit further, so you can see all the worship team members there on stage piano. The next one is depending on how, again, your church has set up a lot of times you know, if there’s offertories or special music or things like that, and it’s just somebody at the piano, maybe playing it or even playing and singing, actually having a camera angle focused directly on the piano is one that I’d recommend just having kind of in your toolbox. Another one would be your PowerPoint. So if you don’t have a way currently to be able to tie your computer into your whatever you’re using to live stream from you can always put a camera or camera angle fixed on your PowerPoint or even a TV that you’re showing. I know some smaller churches though, have TVs on either side or maybe they have a TV in different parts of the building.
Rohn Gibson (00:48:38):
You can utilize that as a way to broadcast until you’re able to connect your computer or whatever you’re using for projection. There are so a PowerPoint I’ll call it a PowerPoint or slide angle next would be offering. So again, right now it’s a little different, but you can have an offering angle. I’m always super sensitive that this isn’t a time where you want it on a crowd where you can kind of see who who’s putting money in. Who’s not giving here. This is the way to have surveillance.
Rohn Gibson (00:49:08):
You can have an offering angle. They just, you know, really take some of those things that we need to consider in a live stream into account. What I would actually recommend is having a graphic and we actually make one of the, we’re going to make one of those available in that free download. And you can actually just put the graphic up on the screen if you would like to participate in the giving and the ministry of the work that we’re doing here at our church, go to /give. And that will give you the giving options that you can participate in. So an offering angle, all right, we’re more than halfway. So floor center, that’s one that we do. So typically after the service, our pastor, after the kind of the wrap up music near the end, our pastor will kind of come down, stand a floor level share some thoughts, some action that we need to take based on the sermon that was shared. And typically he’s down on the floor for that. It’s also great for those little surprises. When somebody speaking may feel inspired to go down and it just gives you another option to quickly hit that. For us, it’s hit that button go down to floor center so we can see, and it’s not like, okay, what happened? That person just walked,
Rohn Gibson (00:50:22):
They left the building
Rohn Gibson (00:50:23):
And they’re just, they’re just down there. So anyway, floor center baptism is another angle that we we use cause we actually praise God, just use it last a week at our church. So, and all these are things you want to consider, you know, as you look at the flow of your service, which we’re going to talk about, making sure you know, these before the service actually starts. So baptism another, I’m just going to kind of merge these for sake of time here, music solos, if there’s a music solos, having like music solo, right. Having music solo left and then another one. So music solos would be more of like you have mikes and specific locations having more zoomed in on those. So it’d be almost like a pulpit view at those specific mic locations. And then stage left and stays, right.
Rohn Gibson (00:51:11):
Would be more pulled out where it would be like, you know, that third of the stage, that third of the stage, and then you could use your pulpit mid-zone for the middle, third of the stage, just for those little surprises, if people decide to move around that you’ve got your angles covered. So again, that’s 13 different angles that you should consider. That’s a, I know there’s a lot, it’s not about doing all of them. If you’re just on a basic setup, just go from one to two, you’d be surprised how that increases the production value and really brings your live stream up a notch just by having a couple of different angles that you can use from. So there’s some to put in your, you know, put in your toolbox, kind of put it in your mind, they’re thinking about which ones can we move forward on next to take our live stream up a notch?
Isabelle Faletti (00:51:57):
Yeah, that’s really good advice run because right now, if a church is having the wide angle, that’s their only angle that they’re using right now. Then they can hear it with 14 different options and get really overwhelmed. So just to reiterate what Rohn said, you don’t want to do them all just pick two or three, maybe it’ll be the wide angle and the culprit mid zoom start there. And then you can slowly add on a different angle as you get more comfortable. You can play around with it, do a test on live stream to really see what it looks like to have the, the, the pulpit view. We have a really good question from Victoria. She asks, does adding multiple cameras mess with internet connection.
Rohn Gibson (00:52:41):
It shouldn’t, but that’s kind of a hard question because it all depends on your setup. Yeah. so we’re going to recommend some tools, actually, some of the tools we’ll recommend today it will, it would impact your internet connection typically in a scenario where you have a switcher, you’re actually connecting those devices to that switcher device, to the network. So while yes, it’s like inner network activity, it’s not going to drastically drop or impact the quality of the live stream going out. So that’s really nerdy. You’re, we’re getting into like networking and like how, how those things connect. So I don’t want to get that advanced yet. We are going to do more of the advanced here in in future weeks, but to answer your, it shouldn’t, but the asterick there of it really depends on your set up.
Isabelle Faletti (00:53:30):
Yeah. Well, let’s just kind of dive right into some actual practical tools since we’ve been talking about that all episode long here. Okay. So run that we can use to increase that production level.
Rohn Gibson (00:53:45):
Yes, let’s do that. So here’s, I’m going to share my screen with you. And I just want to give this preface before I share my screen. We are not, we just don’t have time. We’re already 53 minutes in and we still have two questions and other Q and a, and we’ve got a product update. This is one of my favorite ones we’ve done a long time. So you better sit tight. We’ve got an awesome product update. I want to share with you all today. So we’re not going to do deep dives into these. However, if there’s one that you’re like, man, I’d really love to know more about that. I’d love for you guys to do a deep dive into that, let us know, and we’ll consider doing that for a future episode. So let me share my screen here. And I’m just going to walk through these number one is Stream Yard.
Rohn Gibson (00:54:23):
This is literally the tool we are using right now to broadcast us multiple angles and different locations. I mean, it is powerful, powerful, powerful tool, and it is beyond an expensive, I mean, they have a free version that I think they even let you broadcast to three locations at once. It doesn’t have the Stream Yard branding. So you have to upgrade if you don’t want that. But really, I mean, no excuse for not live streaming your services just with, with the tool that Stream Yard offers. So amazing tool again, it’s the one that we use. You want to talk about doing lower thirds, adding the bug, doing all that easy, super easy. If you want to do a lot of the things we just talked about doing and do it really inexpensive without a computer science degree Stream Yard is for you go to churchspring.com/StreamYard, and you can check it out.
Rohn Gibson (00:55:15):
So that’s the one that’s up on my screen right now. Again, I’m not going to take a deep dive into that. I know there’s a lot of churches already using it and it’s a powerful, powerful tool, so that someone’s going, gonna leave it there. All right, next on the list. And this will be kind of, I’m doing these really from like an ease of use level of difficulty. Okay. So if you’re just getting started, you don’t know how to use it. Go check out Stream Yard, Reverend Jeffrey, totally agree. Stream Yard, Stream Yard is amazing. Apart from Stream Yard, doing what we’re doing right now (and what we’ve been doing for the last 12 weeks) would have been extremely difficult, They make it super, super easy. It’s streaming artist substitute for OBS. It absolutely could be. However, sit tight. I may give you a better option here for OBS and I’ll maybe share my own personal feelings on OBS here momentarily. So alright.
Isabelle Faletti (00:56:09):
Well, we all want to hear Rohn’s personal feelings. That’s what we’re all here for – let’s be real. All right, let’s go to the next one.
Rohn Gibson (00:56:17):
Ecamm Live great tool kind of a next step up. It allows you to do some other different things removes kind of some of the, so let me just say this. The more features you have, the more complex it gets. So you have trade offs, right? Just like ChurchSpring. Our goal is to make it the most easy, simple, fast to use church website management tool on the planet. So therefore you do give some things up because that’s your priority. Okay. So just understand that’s how this works here as well. So Stream Yard next level up from that is going to be Ecamm Live. You can go check it out. This is a Mac only, and I’m not going to get into all that, all the technical difficulties, but it is, it is an incredible, incredible tool I’m here as well. So kind of a next level up.
Rohn Gibson (00:57:05):
So if you want to learn more about that churchspring.com/ecamm link, on you’re right over there. Next on the list. And I’ll be honest if you’re a, if you’re currently using a phone and you want to go to a multi phone setup, Switcher is for you it’s your, it does pretty much everything for you. I mean, it’s an encoder, it’s your switcher. It is just love it. That’s all I can say. Absolutely love it. If you’re not ready to quite go what I would consider pro or maybe even advanced, but kind of maybe borderline advanced switcher could be a really cool tool for you. And then also makes doing a lot of the things we mentioned earlier, like lower thirds, having multiple camera angles, having a switcher where you’re bringing in multiple, that’s why it’s called switcher, by the way.
Rohn Gibson (00:57:54):
You’re bringing in multiple phone devices into an iPad or even a, even a phone and you can just switch between it to send it to program program is actually what is broadcasting. Okay. So Switcher is an amazing tool. This is where I’m going to get my feedback on OBS. OBS is a, is a great tool. I’ve heard a lot lately. So I don’t use OBS personally. I think OBS, I mean, Hey, it’s great. Cause it’s opensource, it’s free, all those things. However it also adds complexity. So I am for simple. Believe it or not. I mean, not believe it or not. Hopefully you already know I’m a simple guy. Like honestly, I’m not really very smart and I’m not saying that just to like, you know, self, whatever. I’m really not. So I prefer simple, easy to use plug and play tools.
Rohn Gibson (00:58:44):
If they’re available to me, OBS was great for a time, but as live streaming has just rocket taking off like a rocket. There are so many tools out there in the market now that I feel are superior to OBS. Now OBS is great. Cause it’s free. Some of these other tools do require a subscription. So depending on what your, you know, what’s in your budget, what you’re looking to pay for. Yeah. So Carla, yes, Switcher. You can use that for multiple cameras and multiple camera angles. Really cool tool. And again, this would be based on last week’s we talked about, Hey, this is like the basic of basic you can live stream directly from a phone. This is kind of a next step up where now you can actually live stream from multiple phones through a Switcher. So check that out as, are, are there any questions on that? I’ve got one last one.
Isabelle Faletti (00:59:40):
Yeah. Victoria has quick question. I’ve noticed the quality from the Switcher to Facebook loses camera quality.
Rohn Gibson (00:59:50):
Yeah. And that’s most likely Facebook not yet.
Isabelle Faletti (00:59:53):
Right, right.
Rohn Gibson (00:59:55):
And we, we noticed that too. If you, if you would compare it to just as an example, if you compare the videos that we actually post to the ChurchSpring Live blog posts, you compare that to our Facebook quality are the ones on our blog. Like the ones ChurchSpring, that’ll just like this episode, ChurchSpring.com/CS L zero one two. That quality will be better than what you’re seeing on Facebook because Facebook optimizes it and downgrades it so people can see it on all the different devices. So that’s why it’s probably more of a Facebook thing, not actually your Switcher. So let me, let me go back and just really point out again, a benefit of Stream Yard. Stream Yard gives you a higher quality (if you’re on a paid plan and maybe they’ve been known on the not pay plans.
Rohn Gibson (01:00:44):
I don’t know.) but they give you a file that you can go and download an MP four file as well as you can also download the audio only version. So here you go, you’re going to upload your sermon to your website. You’ve got your audio only audio only version already that you can upload for your, for just the people that just want to listen to it, or even subscribe to your podcast, which integrates directly with ChurchSpring. Or you can download that video, upload it to YouTube. You know, if you have a Vimeo account, whatever, and then you can put that right there on ChurchSpring to give you a higher quality video experience. So just some things to consider there. So back to the topic, I’m the King of rabbit trail and today
Isabelle Faletti (01:01:28):
It’s all, it’s all related. It’s all.
Rohn Gibson (01:01:32):
All right. So the last one and I’ll be very transparent with you. I have not used this one in a while but it’s another great tool, super easy to use. It’s called Be.Live. Very, I would put this
Isabelle Faletti (01:01:48):
Kind of
Rohn Gibson (01:01:49):
Stream Yard equivalent. However, it gives you more options of what Stream Yard currently give. So if Stream Yard, if Stream Yard for you becomes too basic, this could be potentially a next step for you. This is kind of a bonus one that we’re throwing in. But it’s a, it’s a, it’s a great tool. A lot of people that I know use it. So something to check out ChurchSpring.com/Blive. So just quickly to summarize Stream Yard, that’s where I’d start ChurchSpring.com/StreamYard. If you want to check that out next e-ECamm Live: ChurchSpring.com/Ecam will take you directly to that page. So you don’t have to Google search it and try to find it. Next we have Switcher. So our ChurchSpring.Com/Switcherstudio, all one word switcher studio, and it will take you directly there. And then lastly here, as far as the tool ChurchSpring.com/Belive and you can check that out. So those are some tools that we recommend and definitely go check those out.
Isabelle Faletti (01:02:48):
Yep. Whew. That was a lot of helpful information. Run everybody. That’s listening, take a deep breath. Remember you can watch the replay so you don’t need to wear out your pen or your console over there. We have a question that I do want us to address Rohn especially kind of with the current phase that we’re at in the world with the pandemic Reverend Christina asked what is the best tool to use for a service for conference with breakout rooms. It’s okay. If you have to answer this in a future session, she, she asked, do you have any recommendations for that?
Rohn Gibson (01:03:26):
Yeah, so that’s super a big request right now, zoom currently has it I think zoom is great for certain things and not good for others. Honestly specifically with breakout rooms that are you looking, so I’d probably have to ask more questions. So let’s, let’s consider adding this in a future one. So Christina, if you could maybe clarify for us, are you looking to do video like live stream or is it more just for video conferencing that you want to do breakout rooms? Give us a little bit more information on kind of your specific use case. It looks like best tool to use for service slash conference. So my, probably the biggest clarifying question I would need there is are you wanting to live stream? Are you wanting to live stream those breakouts or are you just wanting them to be, you know, video conferencing?
Isabelle Faletti (01:04:19):
Okay, great. And then we have had a good, healthy amount of questions about Restream. So even though it’s not really necessarily about what we’re talking about today, let’s address that.
Rohn Gibson (01:04:33):
Yeah. So it all depends on what platform you use. If you use Stream Yard, you don’t need it because you can already stream to, I think it’s either eight or 10 on their pay plan. Now you can stream to 8 or 10, like right now we’re streaming to multiple sources. We don’t use Restream. If you have a more complex setup like the one that we use at our church, we use Sling Studio and we’ll break that more down. It would require us to use Restream because that tool in and of itself doesn’t allow you to multi broadcast currently. So it all depends on your setup. Let’s see, Aristide, I think you had had a comment earlier that sounded like you maybe had a more complex setup. I can’t remember. But if you don’t have a complex setup and that’s a really, you know, super important, critical piece for you you know, you can, it’s not needed if you use Stream Yard. I think Ecamm Live can also go to multiple now, Switcher Studio.
Isabelle Faletti (01:05:32):
Rohn Gibson (01:05:33):
Got to multiple and I’m not a hundred percent sure on that. Uso it all depends kind of on your,uon your setup, but like, for us, like I said, we’re streaming to multiple locations and we don’t use Restream. It’s just all included in the plan that we have through Stream Yard.
Isabelle Faletti (01:05:50):
Yeah. Yeah. Okay, great. Okay. So let’s wrap up with one last question. We’ve given a ton of information. We’ve talked about angles, different types of video content. So now let’s all put this together so that it’s not floating around in everybody’s head. So Rohn, can you give us an example of an order of service that I should consider for my live stream?
Rohn Gibson (01:06:17):
Yes. So again, this is going to be kind of rapid fire, so put your seatbelts on. I know we got a lot of that going on today there. I told you, I told you we were going to have a ton of content today.
Rohn Gibson (01:06:29):
So we’re definitely delivering on that. So it’s super important that yeah, you kind of have an order of service, so your live stream team or you, or whoever they know kind of what’s what’s going on. So you kind of define success. This is what success looks like for our live stream. So first of all, I would start your service 10 to 15 minutes prior to your service actually starting, that’s where you could circle those slides. If you have announcements of video announcements, anything like that, I would start that 15 minutes before that may seem a little excessive, but here’s why I do it. You never know what’s going to happen when you hit go live. It could not go live. You could have a camera that turned off miraculously, you can have your internet die. You could have, so 15 minutes is also for you because it’s a little bit of a grace period.
Rohn Gibson (01:07:21):
So if something happens, you’ve got enough time to figure it out and you’re not sweating bullets. Like I was the first week we did live streaming during COVID where it didn’t work. So give yourself some time to recover. So 15 minutes before I would start your live stream with announcement slides, and then 10 minutes before is if you don’t have a countdown 15 minutes before, that’s when I would actually put the countdown. And it could just overlay depending on what platform you’re using with a 10 minute countdown. So then people know, okay, it’s going to start in 10 minutes and it sets that expectations next and go live.
Isabelle Faletti (01:08:00):
Rohn Gibson (01:08:00):
You’re already live because you’ve been live for 15 minutes as the countdown, but actually go to the welcome welcoming people to the live stream, welcoming people to the service and really starting to engage them in that way. Next on your checklist would be lower thirds banner that we’ve talked about. So somebody mentioned in the comments, sorry, I totally say her name, but we’ve got so many comments. I can’t find it quickly, just that really the, the visual impact, right? So the pastor gets up there for the first time and put the pastor his name, the name of the church, and even your website address, if you want to do that, but lower third banners have that kind of as a checkpoint through your live stream next, add the lyrics. So your song lyrics during the worship time then you’ll transition into your main service.
Rohn Gibson (01:08:49):
And you can add a giving slide again during that time, but really you’re transitioning into the main kind of part of the service. So you have, you’re preaching the lower third banner to introduce the pastor again. So again, we’re going to say it during the welcome, depending on your, how your service is structured. If you trans, if there’s a kind of a break between the pastor gives a welcome and then there’s things that happen. And then the pastor comes back up and preaches. I would encourage you to put that lower third back up there again, as well as the main points on a slide during preaching scripture passages, I’d encourage you to do that. And then for us excuse me, there’s a lot of kind of going back and forth between the preaching and then the main points that are being made.
Rohn Gibson (01:09:33):
So you can switch back and forth between the pastor that, that main pulpit view and then the slides there as well. So a couple just last ones get ready for closing near the end. So you can switch back and forth between lyrics calls to action to submit prayer requests if they have those. And then obviously just showing the pastor up on the screen may be in that floor center view that we were talking about earlier, and then now the main services over at our church right now, we’re seeing the doc doxology at the end. So the doxology is over the pastor’s walked out so he can welcome people. And then you’re going to have outro slides. So your outro slides are basically the repeat of your intro slides. However, that’s where you can add that. Thank you for joining us graphic slide that we will share in that free download. You can go and check that out. So that’s kind of a quick just things to consider when you’re going through your live stream. Here’s an example of an order of service that you can consider using and then tweak to make it your own.
Isabelle Faletti (01:10:43):
Yeah, that’s great. That’s really helpful to just kind of bring it down of what does this actually look like instead of having all these ideas floating about? I will love to take a quick break for any last questions that we have from our audience. For all of those who have been live attending. I don’t know if that’s how you say it you’ve been attending for the live stream. Thank you. Because I know we’ve, we’ve been going through this fast, but there’s so much information and we do want to make sure that we’re able to equip you. So if you have any kind of lingering or we haven’t quite answered your question yet drop it in the comment below so that I, we can make sure to address it. Larry, you did ask when we were talking more about Restream and, and the different options for the tools you asked, define multiple locations.
Isabelle Faletti (01:11:30):
When we say multiple locations, we are referring to, we are streaming to different platforms. So right now for ChurchSpring, we technically we go live through Stream Yard. But then Stream Yard also pushes it live. This is like the real basic, my, my way that I see it. They push it through our Facebook page, that we connected, through our YouTube page that we’ve connected. And then we can also have the live video also go through LinkedIn if we do a few extra steps. So multiple locations basically means where, what are the different social media platforms are different platforms that you want your live video to be, to be live, to be out there.
Rohn Gibson (01:12:18):
All right, well, let’s go ahead. Just for sake of time here. I know Benjamin mentioned he’s, he’s using Boxcast. I’ve heard people, I think that’s, I would put that maybe up on a next level as far as advanced, and we’re actually going to get more into that not next week, cause we’ve got a special episode for you next week, but in two weeks, we’re going to get cause that’s, again, this is number two of a four part series specifically on live streaming. I’m so real excited, but Boxcast. Definitely. I’ve got several friends that utilize it and absolutely love it. Speak very highly of it. So let’s, let’s get into action now, right? So we have talked about a ton of different things and it can be overwhelming. So if that’s, you don’t be like one thing, what’s one thing that you can do to make your live stream 1% better.
Rohn Gibson (01:13:04):
It could be sharing graphics. It could be having adding a giving graphic or a giving slide, whatever that is for you and your context, just get 1% better. That’s the focus. So pick that one thing. I’d love to hear it. Honestly, we’re going to keep moving, but I’d love what is the one thing that you’ll learn today that you’re going to do that you’re committing to do to take your live stream to that next level? Yeah. So put that in the comments below or put that in the comments. We’d love to be able to see that to basically tell us what are you committing to take action on this week? So the free resources this could be a thing that you take action on. You can, you can download those slides and others. We didn’t even show you all of them because we didn’t have time, but there’s a ton of slides in there as far as graphics.
Rohn Gibson (01:13:52):
We’re also going to be updating that as I update things for my own church, we’re just going to throw those slides in there. So it’s even going to get better with time. So definitely check that out. So you can download that not right now. So don’t just stay with us after it, by the end of today. So write yourself a little note or set yourself a reminder church.com forward slash C S L zero one two. And you’ll be able to click on that. It will actually take you over to a Google slides presentation, where then you can just click download it as whatever, whatever file type you want to. If you’re a, I believe if you’re a Google apps user, it may even allow you to actually just copy it over into your own. But either way, totally free tons of, of information there that you can go download for free to make your job and taking action on this. So much easier switch for OBS to Stream Yard. Whew. Awesome. So again, use that link. It’ll make it so much easier. You don’t have to find it ChurchSpring.Com/Streamyard and go check that out. Oh, sorry. We’re we’re we’re double banner clicking here.
Isabelle Faletti (01:15:04):
Rohn Gibson (01:15:05):
Lastly, here just quick call to action. If you’re we fully understand that people will watch this video, not everyone’s a ChurchSpring user. So if you’re interested in learning more about ChurchSpring, go check out ChurchSpring.com/demo and sign up to attend a demo. We’d love to have you join us. And then if you’d like to give ChurchSpring a try totally free seven day trial ChurchSpring.com/trial to check that out. And I’m going to cough here real quick and be right back because I am super excited about this next update.
Isabelle Faletti (01:15:33):
Awesome. for those of you who have been sharing next steps hiding at 1% better as you do get 1% better as you put this into action share with us. So next week during ChurchSpring Live you got 1% better. You run. Yeah. You committed to investigating Stream Yard. Some of you have said that you’ll be starting earlier. Melissa, you’ll be having a better intro and outro as you put that in place, share with us and let us know how that went because we were in this video. We want to know, we want to celebrate with you primary angles from Tanya. Yes, these are amazing. So touchback, touch base back with us and let us know how it went. We want to know,
Rohn Gibson (01:16:20):
Alright, I can’t wait any longer. I have to share this next update. My co-founder, Mike did this beautiful, and it’s a total team effort, but I’m going to give him some serious credit on this one. I love this design, honestly, out of all the designs. So I’ll let the cat out of the bag or the rabbit out of the hat, whatever it is,
Isabelle Faletti (01:16:42):
We’re coming out
Rohn Gibson (01:16:45):
New design today. And I know am I supposed to be impartial about designs? I don’t know. Awesome. So without further ado, welcome the newest member of the ChurchSpring website design family Galilee. I could not be more excited about this one. It is different
Rohn Gibson (01:17:10):
Than anything that we’ve done and absolutely love it. Love the colors, love the gradients just an amazing new design. So this is available by the way right now, if you’re a current ChurchSpring member, you can literally log into your website go to the website tab, click on design, select Galilee, and you’re going to be up and running with us literally within a click of a button. If this is one that’s for you. So I’m just going to give a quick overview here. Obviously graphics are amazing. Love the, the curvy kind of swishing as to it, how it overlays your photo in the background. And it’s just, it’s beautiful. I love it. So kind of scroll down again, following all the best practices, all the pertinent information that needs to be on the homepage of your site. I don’t know if you can see this yet.
Rohn Gibson (01:17:57):
You can’t get kind of some of that, just again, continuing that all throughout the design and it’s pulled into every, every section. So you can see here, the events it’s integrated, it’s a little bit of a different treatment there. Sermons kind of wrap it up down here, fades into your, your map of where you’re located, pulls it into the foot. I mean, just an absolutely beautiful design. This is actually kind of one of the trends kind of this look, that’s really kind of swishy bright colors. And just man, I love this design, so go check it out. I’m going to show you just a couple of pages, show you how it looks on the about page. Wait for that to load here a minute. So you can see on the about page, how that pulls it in into the header.
Rohn Gibson (01:18:42):
Again, you’ll still have whatever graphics you want. You can change the opacity if you want to see more of that background graphic, but again, just an absolutely beautiful design to the pages. And then that’s pulled through, even through events, sermons, blog, we’ve talked a lot about blog posting her recently and that’s pulled into every single section here of your website. So couldn’t be more excited honestly about this design. Absolutely love it. Mike hats off to you. And you guys can all tell Mike next week, cause we’ve got a special, special episode for you next week, but go check it out. Right now.
Isabelle Faletti (01:19:24):
Yep. If you’re not a member of ChurchSpring, you can go to galilee.churchspring.org. And I have that banner that the lower thirds banner for all of you, who’ve been listening up on the screen so you can go check that out. It is like, like Rohn said, it is beautiful. It just makes me happy. When I look at it, I just feel all warm and cozy inside.
Rohn Gibson (01:19:45):
We’ve already got people switching too, Benjamin is switching to it. Absolutely. That’s awesome. Cool. I’m going to address this one cause we get this question a lot and honestly we want your help. I’ll just be very transparent. We go out and we look, so let me, let me finish one thought with Galilee and then I’m going to answer this question. You can literally have this website in less than 90 seconds. So if people are currently not a ChurchSpring member and you want this design go sign up now for our seven day free trial churchspring.com/trial. And then once you’re created, we’ll give you our default design, but then you can go in and literally have this. If you’re a current member, it doesn’t even take you that long. I mean, as long as it takes you to click on a log into your website website, settings design, you’re up, you’re running and,
Isabelle Faletti (01:20:38):
And you’ve changed your entire website design for free.
Rohn Gibson (01:20:41):
Yes. Yes. All right. I’m going to answer this question. So Jeffrey what we do, the photos that we make available in the ChurchSpring image library are royalty free. And honestly, one of the biggest challenges we have related to multicultural African-American is that there’s just not a ton available. So we literally spend hours scouring the internet, trying to find royalty free images that we can make available. So I make this commitment to you. We’re going to continue to do that. We’ve actually added quite a few. So if you haven’t looked at it within the last even month or so month and a half we’ve actually added quite a few. So go check those out.
Isabelle Faletti (01:21:24):
I scroll down because when, when in the image library, so when we upload new images, it does put the most recently added images on the top of your image library. So we just added 25, a couple of weeks ago, we added 25 kind of COVID pandemic related images, live streaming, those type of images. So those are more like kind of generic shots of a mask or a computer for live streaming. So if you scroll past those 25, you’ll see a lot more diverse and multicultural images. So just, it keeps scrolling down and that’s when you can really see the entire image library.
Rohn Gibson (01:22:03):
Yup. Awesome. So go check that out. Ron, actually, I love this. This is what I love, and this is actually going to be my call to action. Ron, you just gave me the perfect example. I love this. We don’t want to be all about ChurchSpring because the church and serving the church is way bigger than ChurchSpring. What Ron just did is to be the example that really the type of community when we want to create, which is giving feedback, giving help. So what Ron just said, unsplash.com is a great, that’s actually one that we go to. I think you meant pexels.com. If not, where is it? Pexels.Com. Anyway, we’ll put it in the show notes with a few others. There’s a few others that we check out regularly. So we will post those in, but to answer the question as far as more pictures yeah, so Melvin, thank you.
Rohn Gibson (01:22:51):
Yes. Several new pictures have been added. I really liked them. Awesome. but if you have images of your own church I would, I would encourage you first of all maybe even hire a photographer, maybe you have a photographer at your church to get some really great pictures. And if you would be willing to share those with the broader ChurchSpring community, we would love to review them. And if they look good and there’s something that would be good for the whole, we will add them to the ChurchSpring library. So if you’re in that scenario right now where you’re like, man, we have a ton of really great picture pixels or picture, sorry, I’m trying to read and talk at the same time. Pexels.com is another awesome. Thanks Mike. Mike’s got my back. Awesome. so if you have really great pictures, regardless if it’s multicultural awesome.
Rohn Gibson (01:23:39):
We were honestly, we’re just trying to find more and more, really good images to meet that need. So if you have those or even otherwise, and you would be willing to basically say, Hey, we’re willing to make these royalty free, make them available to the ChurchSpring community, reach out to us. Honestly we’ve never done that before, but Isabelle knows me well. We like just, you know, making things happen here. So you have images that you’re willing to make available to the broader ChurchSpring community, let us know, and we’ll figure something out to make those resources available. So are there any other questions we need to hit?
Isabelle Faletti (01:24:19):
I think we’ve covered it all. And we had a couple questions or just clarifications yes. Any images in your ChurchSpring image, library, those all are royalty free. So you can use those across your website, no extra charge. They are part of your ChurchSpring subscription. They, yeah, they’re free to use. Use them to your heart’s content. There are some beautiful photos. We’re, we’re always uploading new images. So if there are other types of images that you want us to upload, send us in a support ticket and we will make sure to grab those specific images and, and our next image F load. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for everybody who has attended today, whether you’re watching it live or maybe this is on the replay we so appreciate you and we want to continue serving you. I’m extremely extra excited, which says a lot, cause I’m a Enneagram 7. And so for those of you who know the Enneagram, it’s a personality test for those who do not sevens are known to be excited. And so when I say I’m extra excited, we’ll get ready. That’s like balloons, confetti, all kinds of, but for next week we are going to have our co-founder, our other co-founder in addition to Rohn, we’ll have Mike Kurrle on. So,
Rohn Gibson (01:25:41):
And it might get crazy next week. I’m just going to be honest. I don’t know. I don’t know how much value, but it’s going to be a lot of fun cause Isabelle’s just letting us just go. So we’re going to jump on here and we’re going to have a ton of fun. I can’t wait for you all to meet Mike. It’s going to be a blast.
Isabelle Faletti (01:26:00):
It will be, it will be. So if you’re just stuck on how you can improve your website to really grow your church or maybe you’re just feeling super confused on how you can best use your church website to accomplish your ministry goals. We’ve talked about setting up goals for your, for your church, for your website, but you’re just confused on what that actually looks like. You need to tune in next week to ChurchSpring live, that’ll be our episode 13 at same time tending with central Thursday, August 20th, we are going to remove all the guesswork of how you can improve your church website. So again, co-founders both co-founders of ChurchSpring, Rohn Gibson over here and Mike they are going to hop on and they’re going to do a live review of church of sites. So they’re going to offer very practical tips on how anybody, whether it’s your church website or not, how anybody can really take to improve your website.
Isabelle Faletti (01:27:01):
So pay attention here, everybody. If you want us to review your website, whether you’re a ChurchSpring member or you’re not a ChurchSpring member, and if you want us to review your church website during the live event, we can do that. Visit ChurchSpring.com/review. I will put that up here on the screen. There we go. Visit [ChurchSpring.com/review to submit your application. Again, Mike and Rohn, they are the, they’re the ones behind ChurchSpring through the, there, they, they brought this from a dream into reality and they’ve got just a lot of wisdom and strategy recommended tips on how you can make your church website better. So make sure to attend that. And again, if you want us to review your website o ChurchSpring.com/review to submit your application and tune in next week for that.
Rohn Gibson (01:27:57):
Yeah. And again, we’re only going to be able to review next week by, so if you want your site reviewed, do not wait to get in there. We’ve already had, we’ve already had two. I think that have reached out to us to review them actually. Yes.
Isabelle Faletti (01:28:15):
Yeah. So Ron, I’ll be following up with you, so be looking for that later today. Yeah.
Rohn Gibson (01:28:19):
So Ron, right now go to chuchurchspring.com/review, submit your application. And we’re going to try to do them as much as possible, kind of in a first come first serve basis. And this won’t be the only time. So I’ll say that we’re only going to be able to hit five next week, but we will do more of this in the future because it’s just so practical. It’s one thing to hear “Here are the tips to improve your church website.” It’s a whole other thing to actually have your church website, you know, for us to be able to pull up your church website and give you super practical things that you can do based on where you’re at now. So this our attempt to meet you where you are now and give you probably three to five, very practical things that can do to take your website to the next level. So it’s going to be awesome. I haven’t seen any has any come in yet?
Isabelle Faletti (01:29:07):
I don’t have my email up. So I haven’t seen anything come in yet, but
Rohn Gibson (01:29:11):
Okay. All right. So don’t wait, cause that’s gonna fill up fast. So three to five, or we’re going to hit up five, five website reviews next week. Actual as again, like Isabelle said, it could be church bring member. You don’t have to be a ChurchSpring member. We’d be happy to give you feedback regardless of how you can take your church website to the next level churchspring.com/review.
Isabelle Faletti (01:29:34):
You have to submit your application at churchspring.Com/Review for us.
Rohn Gibson (01:29:38):
Yep. So don’t put it in the comments. Don’t put it in the comments that doesn’t count. Don’t send us an email that doesn’t count. You got it. You have to apply at churchspring.com/review. And man, I can’t wait. It’s going to be fun next week. Reviewing having Mike on is going to be great. We’re gonna have a lot of fun next week.
Isabelle Faletti (01:29:56):
I cannot wait. I cannot wait to hear about that. Well again, thank you for everybody who joined us live on. You can always catch the replay at haichurchspring.com/cSL012. I do have that link up on the screen here. So thanks. We absolutely love our Thursday morning chats with you all. We’ll see you next week. Rohn, any last closing statements we need to send everybody out with?
Rohn Gibson (01:30:23):
I think we’re good. I know we’ve already had, I think two people in the chat say that they’ve submitted their review thing. So this is awesome. This is the last, the last thing I want to, this is free. People charged for this. We’re just doing it for free because we just want to be a blessing and really meet you where you are to take your website to the next level. So don’t wait. Great job to those who are already taken action. Ron, or was it Benjamin? Let me see Benjamin. I knew it was that guy. He’s an action taker. We’re going to have to, we we’ve been talking about doing this. We have a lot of ideas. One of those is actually to bring different ministry leaders on, on our live stream and get to talk to you and get to know you more and learn more about your ministry. So anyway, Benjamin, you’re like up there at the top of my list. This could be a lot of fun. So anyway,
Isabelle Faletti (01:31:12):
We love everybody.
Rohn Gibson (01:31:15):
Yeah we do. But this is where participation is really helpful. So Melvin in there actually, Melvin was a little quiet today. Pastor Melvin he’s there. So I’m already looking forward to the next week. He says so yeah. That’s awesome. Yes it is. It’s great to see everyone. We are super excited and I honestly cannot wait for next week. I wish we could just like roll into that, but we can’t. So we’ll see you next Thursday. And again, ChurchSpring.com/CSL zero one two to watch the replay. And if you want to have us consider reviewing your website next week, visit [churchspring.com/review. I don’t know if all of you have, but we’re practicing what we preach when it comes to these short URL. So they’re powerful could be like a Swiss army knife for your communication. I’ve definitely checked that out. So ChurchSpring.com/review, and we look forward to seeing you all next week. So you all have a great rest of your week. We’ll see you a week from today. Same time, same place. We’re going to have a lot of fun. So we’ll see you next week, everyone. Bye